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Sarah Lai 170196 henry park <3


new sony ericsson phone(: get good grades in PSLE(: get a PSP or xbox!!!!!!!!



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Monday, March 10, 2008

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

This post is about the Koala, Cockroach, Great White Shark, Bottlenose Dolphin and the Polar Bear.

The Koala

The Koala has thick wooly fur that protects them from the heat and cold. It also acts as a raincoat. Koalas have thick, grayish fur, with white on their chests. They have large furry ears and leathery noses. They eat eucalytus leaves. They smell of cough drops because of their diet of eucalyptus leaves. They live in Australia and thousands of koalas are killed each year by cars and dogs.

The Cockroach

I chose to write about about cockroaches because they are cool!!(just kidding). Did you know that the world's largest cockroach is 6 inches long with a one-foot wingspan? Cockroaches can hold their breath for 4 minutes and they spend 75 percent of their lives resting.(so lazy!). The bad news is female cockroaches mate once and are pregnant for the rest of their lives.(what a bummer) A cockroach can live for a week without its head!(how can it see???) Cockroaches use their feelers as noses. Their sense of smell is so great that they can recognize family and friends by their distinctive odors. Did you know that crushed cockroaches can be applied to a stinging wound to relieve the pain?(Yuck!)

The Great White Shark

The great white has a robust large conical-shaped snout. Great White sharks have rows of teeth behind the main ones, allowing any that break off to be rapidly replaced. Great White sharks often swallow their own broken teeth along with chunks of their's prey's flesh.(eww.what if it chokes??) It has almost the samne upper and lower lobes on the tail fin. Great White sharks display couuntershading, having a white underside and a grey dorsal area that gives an overall "mottled" appearance. A typical adult Great White measures 4-4.8m, weighing 680-1100kg.(heavy). Great White Sharks are carnivorous and primarily eat fish, dolphins, porposises, whale carcasses and pinnipeds such as seals and sea lions and sometimes sea turtles. The shark is targerted by fisherman for its jaws, teeth and fins. Great White Sharks live in almost all coastal and offshore waters which have a temperature of between 12 and 24 degrees.

The Bottlenose Dolphin

The Bottlenose dolphin is gray, varying from dark grey at the top near the dorsal fin to very light grey and almost white at the underside. Its elongated upper and lower jaws form what is called a hostrum, or beak-like snout, which gives the animal its common name. Adults range from 2-4m and in weight from 150-650kg. The Bottlenose dolphin feeds on small fish, squid, crabs and shrimps. Sometimes dolphins will employ 'fish wacking' whereby a fish is stunned with the fluke to make catching and eating the fish easier.(cool!) The Tiger shark, Dusky shark and Bull shark are predators of the Bottlenose dolphin. The Bottlenose dolphin inhibits warm and temperate seas worldwide and may be found in all but the Artic and Antartic oceans.

The Polar Bear

The Polar Bear weighs 300-600kg(whoa). Its fur is actually hollow and transparent but it appears white in the snow. The Polar bear has a short tail, small ears and head and it has a long tapered body. The Polar bear's diet consists of seals, young walruses and whales. 60% of the Polar bears live in Canada.

That's all for now...

{/2:36 AM}

Monday, February 4, 2008

In 1996, i was born in NUH hospital. i attended nursery at True Presbytarian. At that time i hated school and i always cried when i reached the school. the teachers always had to comfort me when my mother went off to work.

In 2003, i attended Henry Park Primary School. I was in class 1B. i was very nervous about starting Primary School but thankfully i did not cry in class.

In 2004, iwas in 2B and i made some new friends.

In 2005, iwas still in 3B and there was a new subject- Science. I found out that Science was very interesting and it was my favourite subject.

In 2006, i was in 4A. Some of my friends were separated from me and i felt qiute lonely. But i made new friends and it was a very fun year.

In 2007, i was in 5B and some of my close friends were also in the same class. that year, there was the p5 camp and the NE show! They were all very exciting. Our class also won the Chinese New Year Decoration Competition.

Now is the year 2008. i went to 6I with my very close friends. this year is very important as it is the PLSE year. i am going to do my very best and go to the school of my choice. Yay!

{/5:16 PM}

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

as in the sweets haha(: woke up at 6am,had breakfast then went to sch.


{/2:42 AM}

Monday, January 21, 2008

Elizabeth Choy was a war heroine, a passionate teacher and a caring mother. Her husband was captured by the japanese and she went to look for him but she was turned away. A few years later, she was tricked into going to prison. She was tortured and electrocuted on her bare body in front of her husband. After that, she was released from prison because the japanese could not get any imformation from her but her husband was sentenced to hard labour. When the war was over, the British rewarded her as a war heroine.

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